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COHU RISE 4290HD Day/Night Positioner
CohuHD Costar’s 4290HD dual spectrum positioning system is the
latest addition to CohuHD’s RISE family of products, combining crystal clear HD
visible spectrum imaging along with standard resolution LWIR night vision
imaging for delivering unmatched performance at an affordable price.
The 4290HD
visible spectrum camera provides full 1080p imaging with 30x optical zoom,
delivering full frame rate HD images over the entire zoom range for very
cost-effective long-range surveillance applications. True day/night technology using
a removable IR cut filter produces exceptional low light sensitivity down to
- Superior 1080p image quality
- Image defog/dehaze analytics
- Dark scene enhanced intensity
- NEMA TS2 temperature range, -40°C to 75°C
- Precision positioning of 0.05°
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